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Entries in social media (160)


The 5 dangers of a half-hearted social media campaign

It was your lifelong dream to open a pizza parlor. Finally, after years of toil, you succeed in making Panucci’s Pizza a success. Then you decide a delivery service is a must since everyone else does it.

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Three ways Twitter makes you a better writer

Good Twitter writing. Now there’s an oxymoron. Twitter and its 140 character limit is often synonymous with rambling gibberish and horrifying grammar.


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Twitter Microsites: Gaining influence through hashtags

Twitter launched a microsite for New York Fashion Week (NYFW) last week sponsored by several Fashion Week players such as American Express, Bergdorfs and Modelinia

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How Google Instant has fundamentally changed SEO

If you live in the US, you probably noticed that Google has been acting funny the past couple days. The search giant has implemented Google Instant into their engine, showing you streaming search results as you type. 

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Is Twitter biting the hand that feeds it?

We’ve been watching and writing about Twitter for over a year now and a recent Mashable article highlights some of the concerns we’ve seen with recent Twitter developments

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Facebook burnout: Have we finally had enough?

We speculated in a previous post about whether or not Facebook users were getting fed up, and it seems as though the sentiment has only grown since then.

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How four businesses used Twitter for serious sales success

Without the help of big marketing budgets, many small businesses have hit it big thanks to exposure through Twitter.

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Google one step closer to communication dominance

Given their recent track record with the likes of Google Wave and Google Buzz basically tanking from the word go, it’s difficult not to feel skeptical when Google releases a new “revolutionary” product.

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Top social media stories of the week

If there’s one thing we love Twitter for, it’s sharing social media news and ideas. Just in the past week we’ve found a good heap of fascinating and useful stories

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5 ways businesses can use Facebook Places

Foursquare was doing very well for itself. It was marching along at the head of the location based services (LBS) trend with almost three million users having fun by “checking in” to restaurants

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Spreading your content through Twitter just got easier

For all you businesses trying to connect with people and gain exposure through social media, we have good news: Twitter has just reduced the barriers to sharing your content to almost zero.

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The Summer of Memes

Internet memes come and go so quickly that sometimes they’re old news just as you’re hearing about them (Sad Keanu Reeves I miss you). At any given moment there are several memes floating around. This summer has seen great blending of brands and quirky fads.

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Google Wave may come back with Google Me

It should come as no surprise that Google Wave is being shuttered by the end of the year. It’s another in a long line of failed efforts from the search giant. Sure, Wave was pretty much set up to fail as Google

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5 rules for creating a successful Twitter campaign

Like any media, social media takes planning and commitment. Unlike other mediums, social media requires a level of understanding and commitment not necessary

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Twitter brings the San Diego Comic Con to the masses

We love Twitter at events. We’ve covered how Twitter was used at SXSW and created a simple guide on how to use Twitter at your next event.  The past weekend saw the Super Bowl of pop culture and

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Facebook Credits could be our new universal currency

Facebook is on the verge of finding the elusive answer of how to fully cash in on its 500 million users scattered across the globe. Banner advertising has made them a chunk of change, but hasn’t generated much relative to the size of its audience, especially outside the US.

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Twitter: Your new love potion

Study finds Twitter triggers a chemical response, and it feels a lot like falling in love

If you remain unconvinced that it’s worth your while as a business to connect with people through Twitter and social media, this piece of news should send you hurtling over the edge.

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Old Spice Man: Epic fail

As reading this blog requires you to be on the internet, it’s a pretty safe bet you’re familiar with the Old Spice campaign that has the entire web talking. And, hard as it is to believe on our jaded internets, the talk is almost universally positive, even the YouTube comments.

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How to use Twitter for recruitment

Finding good people is tough. Really tough. With the help of Twitter, you can make your life a little easier. At least, you can if your target is on Twitter. If you’re looking for a lumberjack

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And the winner is…

The American Days Photo Contest has found its champion

The polls have now closed on our first American Days Photo Contest and all the votes have been tallied. We asked you to send us your best photos that captured the American spirit and got some fantastic submissions in return. A huge thank you to everyone who participated, whether it was by sending in a photo or taking the time to vote for a winner. 

It was hotly contested for a while, but one entry charged ahead of the pack to win by more than a few lengths. Chalking up an impressive 184 votes, the winner of The American Days Photo Contest is…

Fedja Jakupovic

Congratulations, your photo of a gravity defying break dancer has won you an iPad from The Duffy Agency! 

Fedja is a project leader for a great local organization called Hela Malmö, which works to get children more involved in sports and other activities. Fedja’s winning photo is below, along with some other exceptional photos from the contest. Again, we’d like to give a great big thanks to all those who got involved. 

Break dancerPhoto by Fedja Jakupovic

Statue of liberty

Photo by Maisa Dabus

Harley Davidson sepia

 Photo by Nicci Clayton 

Girl in tub

Photo by Johan Jox Carlsson

horse racing, little people

Photo by Sarah Nilsson

Cowboy on horse with lasso

Photo by Mats Tomas Söderberg

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