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Entries in advertising (67)


What should today's Marketing Service firm look like?

So as marketers today sift through the rubble of what once was the traditional ad agency ecosystem, what should they be looking for? Extrapolating from the authors' reasoning, today's marketing service firm should look something like this:

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Super Bowl XLVII: The good, the bad and the ugly

Brand Bowl 2013No doubt you have an opinion on the best and worst Super Bowl commercials from yesterday's game. In my opinion, the best way to judge the effectiveness of an ad is by how well it fulfills the objective of the brief. An ad that doesn't appeal to me, but appeals to my Mom, may be a good ad because that is to whom the ad was supposed to appeal. So, from that perspective, I will give all the ads the benefit of the doubt that they each of them fulfilled their brief.

Having said that, here is my critique of the ads that stood out from a brand or messaging point of view.

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Why the interest in Pinterest?

Pinterest is different. And not just because the latest "it" site on the social Web is growing astronomically fast.

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6 ways to write a better brief

The other day, I read a great article from AdAge on the importance of  a well-written brief. It struck a chord with me because I am a firm believer that an effective brief is critical to the success of any project or campaign. In fact, nothing at The Duffy Agency is executed without a brief. 

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Is it time to pitch the pitch?

Last fall, I was looking at my house and decided it was in desperate need of a facelift; specifically, it needed a new coat of paint. So I did what I usually do in these situations

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Happy Holidays from The Duffy Agency

Everyone at The Duffy Agency would like to thank the readers of this blog and all our colleagues and clients for a tremendous year.

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The lasting legacy of Steve Jobs

Let me start by confessing that I am somewhat of an anomaly in the advertising and marketing world. And it's not because that I am a copywriter who has absolutely no interest in writing the great American novel.

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This time, it's personal

Social media asks a lot from both consumers and the brand. So, before you start putting yourself out there, make sure you are ready for the relationship.

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What the pharmaceutical industry can teach us about social media

Social media marketing has grown faster than most any other business discipline (and I use the term "discipline" loosely) in the last 50 years.  And like many new disciplines, it has been going through growing pains. Social marketing has always had its critics.

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4 steps to help you become a more insightful marketer

In today's social media savvy world, more and more companies are taking the time to get to know their target market better. As such, it could be argued that reliable target insights are more valuable than ever.

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How to ensure a consistent brand voice across all channels

Establishing a tone of voice and style for your brand is one of the most difficult aspects of the branding process. For some companies, the product is the voice of its brand.

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How your brand can be an honest shade of green

The last few years have seen an increase in environmental awareness among consumers. More and more people are opting for eco-friendly labels and there’s been a huge surge in demand for everything clean and green

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Four forces that changed advertising forever

Up until a few years ago, advertising had changed little from the days of the Mad Men. But 3-4 years ago, forces started coming into play that fundamentally

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What's lost in translation is found in adaption

As an international advertising agency, we are often asked by clients to help them extend their marketing message across borders. In fact, adapting marketing messages, campaigns and websites

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Is it time you made a promise to your customers?

In the classic marketing book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, authors Al Ries and Jack Trout discuss how the challenge for marketers is to create a singular and favorable position in the minds of consumers for your product.

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15 examples of very creative advertisements

I read a book a couple years ago by called 'Juicing the Orange" by Pat Fallon and Fred Senn of the the Fallon Agency. And while many books written today talk about leveraging technology to help increase sales and improve the bottom line

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Everything I know about marketing, I learned from the Three Stooges

Considering that they created their first short over 70 years ago, you might think using the Three Stooges as a guide to better marketing might seem strange. But the Stooges have shown that their enduring charm and wisdom transcends time and technology.

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“Digital behavior” creates new opportunity for brands

The Duffy Agency extends its digital offerings through formal partnership with US-based online agency

We’re pleased to announce that The Duffy Agency has entered into a joint business partnership with Digital Day

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“Digital behavior” targeted as new opportunity for brands

The Duffy Agency forms international partnership with US-based online agency.

Malmö, Sweden /Boston, MA — The Duffy Agency, a full-service international branding and advertising agency, with offices in Malmö, Sweden and Boston, has entered into a joint business partnership with DigitalDay, one of Northeast Ohio’s premier online marketing agencies

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Social Media: A Brave New World for PR Firms

When social media (as we know it today) first arrived on the scene back in the mid-2000s, there was a lot of internal discussions at companies as to which department was responsible for social media.

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