Why the Flip was doomed to fail

On Tuesday, Cisco announced it would be shutting down its Flip camera business. Officially it said: "As part of the company's comprehensive plan to align its operations
On Tuesday, Cisco announced it would be shutting down its Flip camera business. Officially it said: "As part of the company's comprehensive plan to align its operations
Slowly but surely, quick response codes (QR codes) are making their way into the mainstream. As mentioned in a post on QR codes from last fall, Best Buy is using them on their in store fact tags. Real estate brokers are using them on real estate signs outside properties to provide virtual tours of the home for sale.
A recent TechCrunch article highlighted the enormous growth of group buying sites such as GroupOn and Living Social. According to the article, the group buying industry in the United States
With ten venues and a reported 18,000 registrants scrambling to sort through hundreds of sessions, along with untold dozens of promotional parties and impromptu events
No matter if you're an Apple fanboy (and just for the record I am not) or a PC zealot (I'm not a zealot but prefer PCs), there is no denying that the way Apple markets its products is amazing.
Google recently announced that the mobile sector is growing faster than they ever predicted. CEO Eric Schmidt told the audience at the Internet Advertising Bureau’s Annual Leadership meeting keynote that YouTube is seeing 200 million mobile playbacks a day.
Back in November, we wrote a blog article entitled "7 Ways Smart Phones are the Wallets of the Future." One of the things we mentioned was Twitter creator, Jack Dorsey, and his mobile payment application and portable card reader
For all the hype around the Internet and its ubiquitous nature, good old-fashioned TV always reigned supreme when it came to killing time. For years, the average American
We talk to a lot of companies about joining the social media revolution and creating a larger digital fingerprint.
In the United States, Thanksgiving is this Thursday, November 25. It's a holiday that is rife with overindulgence, football, and family (and all the unhealthy dynamics that family represents).
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, if you’re not in social media or planning to get into social media this year, you’re going to be left behind.
RockMelt launched in private beta on Sunday and so far the reviews seem to be mixed. Maybe that's because so many of us were burned by the promise of Flock.
Remember what it was like in the old days (circa 2000)? You needed multiple arms to juggle the myriad of electronic gadgets and accessories we all carried around. You had your laptop, cell phone, PDA, and other bright, shiny accessories.
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) broke a story earlier this week that Yahoo will be launching a new service called Y Connect—a Facebook Connect-like feature that will allow users to log into Web sites using their Yahoo ID and easily share content with Yahoo friends.
If you live in the US, you probably noticed that Google has been acting funny the past couple days. The search giant has implemented Google Instant into their engine, showing you streaming search results as you type.
We speculated in a previous post about whether or not Facebook users were getting fed up, and it seems as though the sentiment has only grown since then.
Given their recent track record with the likes of Google Wave and Google Buzz basically tanking from the word go, it’s difficult not to feel skeptical when Google releases a new “revolutionary” product.
If there’s one thing we love Twitter for, it’s sharing social media news and ideas. Just in the past week we’ve found a good heap of fascinating and useful stories
For all you businesses trying to connect with people and gain exposure through social media, we have good news: Twitter has just reduced the barriers to sharing your content to almost zero.