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Entries in Marketing (67)


The value of a Facebook "Like"

Facebook has turned many brands into a neurotic mess. Like some smothering and needy friend, brands are constantly asking us to show our allegiance to them with a “like.”


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Why the interest in Pinterest?

Pinterest is different. And not just because the latest "it" site on the social Web is growing astronomically fast.

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6 ways to write a better brief

The other day, I read a great article from AdAge on the importance of  a well-written brief. It struck a chord with me because I am a firm believer that an effective brief is critical to the success of any project or campaign. In fact, nothing at The Duffy Agency is executed without a brief. 

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Is it time to pitch the pitch?

Last fall, I was looking at my house and decided it was in desperate need of a facelift; specifically, it needed a new coat of paint. So I did what I usually do in these situations

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Happy Holidays from The Duffy Agency

Everyone at The Duffy Agency would like to thank the readers of this blog and all our colleagues and clients for a tremendous year.

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This time, it's personal

Social media asks a lot from both consumers and the brand. So, before you start putting yourself out there, make sure you are ready for the relationship.

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4 steps to help you become a more insightful marketer

In today's social media savvy world, more and more companies are taking the time to get to know their target market better. As such, it could be argued that reliable target insights are more valuable than ever.

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How to ensure a consistent brand voice across all channels

Establishing a tone of voice and style for your brand is one of the most difficult aspects of the branding process. For some companies, the product is the voice of its brand.

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When co-branding makes sense

A company’s success or failure hinges on its brands. They are the key to controlling consumer perception.

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How your brand can be an honest shade of green

The last few years have seen an increase in environmental awareness among consumers. More and more people are opting for eco-friendly labels and there’s been a huge surge in demand for everything clean and green

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Four forces that changed advertising forever

Up until a few years ago, advertising had changed little from the days of the Mad Men. But 3-4 years ago, forces started coming into play that fundamentally

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What's lost in translation is found in adaption

As an international advertising agency, we are often asked by clients to help them extend their marketing message across borders. In fact, adapting marketing messages, campaigns and websites

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Is it time you made a promise to your customers?

In the classic marketing book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, authors Al Ries and Jack Trout discuss how the challenge for marketers is to create a singular and favorable position in the minds of consumers for your product.

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15 examples of very creative advertisements

I read a book a couple years ago by called 'Juicing the Orange" by Pat Fallon and Fred Senn of the the Fallon Agency. And while many books written today talk about leveraging technology to help increase sales and improve the bottom line

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Everything I know about marketing, I learned from the Three Stooges

Considering that they created their first short over 70 years ago, you might think using the Three Stooges as a guide to better marketing might seem strange. But the Stooges have shown that their enduring charm and wisdom transcends time and technology.

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Why customers hating your brand could be a good thing

In today's social media world, brands are focusing on connecting with and engaging their customers. Customers are asked to become fans, to "like" Facebook brand pages, and to follow brands on Twitter.

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Why Facebook and not Apple is the big story of the BrandZ Top 100 survey

Each of the last six years, Millward Brown Optimor has conducted their BrandZ survey, TheTop 100 Most Valuable Global Brands, which calculates the value of each brand according to economic and competitive dynamics. And yes, there is an app for that—a BrandZ Top 100 app, that is. 

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7 simple rules for great customer service

I recently had an experience with an online mattress company that got me thinking about customer service. Of course, we often hear the details of great customer service stories.

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3 things social media can't do and 1 thing it can

I was meeting with a new client a few weeks back and we were talking about a new product launch. I asked them if a marketing strategy had been formulated yet.

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5 New Ways to Use QR Codes

A few weeks back, we looked at some innovative uses for QR codes. And it got us thinking. What are some other places we'd like to see QR codes that would add value, as opposed to just for promotional use.


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