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Entries in twitter (90)


The Best Use of Visual Content in Social Media

I just saw this great Slideshare called 55 Brands Rocking Social Media with Visual Content and thought I'd share it with you. The deck is from a Hubspot PDF and was posted by Laura Lopes

Kevin Duffy is the Creative Director for The Duffy Agency's Boston office.



Are there lessons to be learned from @Sweden?

The @Sweden twitter account has captured the attention of social media folks. People are arguing about whether Sonja is helping or hurting the brand of Sweden, but I think they might be asking the wrong question.

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What the pharmaceutical industry can teach us about social media

Social media marketing has grown faster than most any other business discipline (and I use the term "discipline" loosely) in the last 50 years.  And like many new disciplines, it has been going through growing pains. Social marketing has always had its critics.

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Is Twitter really helping your brand or your employee's brand?

Does your company have its own Twitter account, e.g., @AcmeCorp? Or do you rely on an employee to use their own personal Twitter account to act as the voice of your brand? If your answer is the latter, then you could be setting yourself (and your brand) up for a social media fail.

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Is Google+ just the next Google Wave?

As most of you know, the new social networking site from Google, Google +,  went live on a limited basis at the end of last month. Since that time there has been a scramble in social media circles to get invites.

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Will Tout be bigger than Twitter?

On Wednesday, Shaquille O'Neill announced that he is retiring from the NBA via social media app Tout. This is a big score for the internet startup that launched its service on April 12 of this year

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Why customers hating your brand could be a good thing

In today's social media world, brands are focusing on connecting with and engaging their customers. Customers are asked to become fans, to "like" Facebook brand pages, and to follow brands on Twitter.

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10 Cool Social Media Infographics

In the age of the 30-second attention span and a 24/7 information availability, you need more than plain words and ordinary graphics to communicate to the social masses.

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Will RockMelt succeed where others have failed?

A few months back I did a quick review of the RockMelt browserIn that review, I talked about its reported benefits and challenges. I could not review it firsthand because I had yet to receive an invite.

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Some final thoughts on South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) 2011

With ten venues and a reported 18,000 registrants scrambling to sort through hundreds of sessions, along with untold dozens of promotional parties and impromptu events

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5 ways to recover from a damaging tweet or post

The great thing about Twitter (and social media in general) is that it allows you to quickly communicate to millions of potential customers in a frank and engaging manner.

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The end of whitelisting: What it means to Twitter developers and marketers

Last week, Twitter announced that it will no longer whitelist applications. And this could mean the death knell for thousands of companies.

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5 ways to make Twitter a more effective business tool

As the turmoil in Egypt continues, I was amazed, once again, to see the influence of Twitter on world politics.

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A social media wish list

I was checking-in at my favorite diner the other day on Foursquare, and I got to thinking about the features I'd like to see to make my favorite social media tools more useful for me and for my clients.

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The question about Quora

Like many things in social media, there needs to be a certain preponderance of buzz for a platform or application to catch on with the social media mainstream.

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Twitter 2010: The year Twitter grows up

Twitter has had an extremely good year. In four years the microblogging site has gone from niche to mainstream. It’s difficult these days to find a website that doesn’t have a Twitter

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5 Reasons why you'll want to try RockMelt, the social web browser

RockMelt launched in private beta on Sunday and so far the reviews seem to be mixed. Maybe that's because so many of us were burned by the promise of Flock.

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Can Twitter affect real social change?

Malcolm Gladwell posted an interesting article in The New Yorker last week about the effectiveness of Twitter in affecting real social change.

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4 reasons the new Twitter rocks

As the new face of Twitter continues to roll out across the web, we finally received the new interface and we have to admit,

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Tweets now on sale for $100,000

We blogged about Promoted Tweets back in April when the new advertising model was first announced, proclaiming Twitter to be on the right track in their quest to monetize the service.

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