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Entries in Travel (2)


Ten things I don’t want to hear at Cannes Lions 2010.

It’s the end of the second day at the Cannes Lions 2009. The evening rains have done their bit to contribute to a festival that is already proving to be quite damp in other respects.

Attendance seems to be thin. (Some are saying it’s down by 40%, but the festival organizers obviously won’t confirm or comment on it.) The quality of entries leave a lot to be desired. And the speakers, in a variety of different accents, seem to be parrotting the same platitudes we’ve been hearing for the last several years. So here, in no particular order are some things I wouldn’t want to pay 2,600 Euros to sit through next year.

1.    ”It’s not about advertising, it’s about engagement.”
2.    ”Print’s days are numbered.”
3.    ”You don’t want to advertise, you want to have a conversation.”
4.    ”It’s about having a great narrative, a great story.”
5.    ”Advertising is no longer a one-way process. The consumer can now talk back to you.”
6.    ”You have to let go when it comes to the controls for your brand online. Consumers will take it anyway.”
7.    ”Online banner and display advertising is a broken model.”
8.    ”The next big breakthrough will be centered around mobile devices.”
9.    ”Social media is not a fad, it’s here to stay.”
10.    ”Consumers are ’always on’.”

Asif Ansari is partner and creative director at The Duffy Agency. He loves writing, technology and beer.

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Cannes do.

The world economy’s in a death spiral, cutbacks are sweeping the entire business world, the advertising industry in particular seems to be struggling to find its way forward. There’s never been a better time to make the annual pilgrimage to Cannes for the Cannes Lions 2009.

2009 Cannes Logo 

Few organizations are immune to the excruciating sting of the recession. But we don’t see battening down the hatches and waiting for the storm to pass as the ideal solution. We’d rather ride out the squall in an attempt to stay abreast of what’s happening out there. We strongly feel that staying focused and motivated, and finding inspiration is priceless when you’re in the business of ideas. And finding the best ideas possible for our clients is vital, because they won’t put down their marketing dollars for anything less.

Cannes also provides us the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the industry’s finest creative minds. And we’re always ready to consider hires, especially if we come across creative talent that fits our international advertising profile.

Like last year, this year too we’re particularly interested in the ways like-minded agencies are using social media to create affording marketing solutions for clients. We’ve got a few success stories of our own to share over a beer or two if you’re interested in hearing them. To get in touch with us in Cannes, sign up at our Facebook events page. And follow our Twitter stream here for daily updates on what’s on during the day and where the happening parties are at night. See you at the Palais.

Asif Ansari is partner and creative director at The Duffy Agency. He loves writing, technology and beer.

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