5 ways to make Twitter a more effective business tool

As the turmoil in Egypt continues, I was amazed, once again, to see the influence of Twitter on world politics.
As the turmoil in Egypt continues, I was amazed, once again, to see the influence of Twitter on world politics.
Last week, the U.S. Army announced the release of their 2011 Army Social Media Handbook. The handbook outlines the proper use of social media by soldiers and commanders, as well as reminding personnel that
I was checking-in at my favorite diner the other day on Foursquare, and I got to thinking about the features I'd like to see to make my favorite social media tools more useful for me and for my clients.
Like many things in social media, there needs to be a certain preponderance of buzz for a platform or application to catch on with the social media mainstream.
So many great viral videos occurred in 2010. Picking just one would be impossible as everyone has their favorite.
Twitter has had an extremely good year. In four years the microblogging site has gone from niche to mainstream. It’s difficult these days to find a website that doesn’t have a Twitter
Well Movember has come and gone, and although the fund raising is never really cut off
We talk to a lot of companies about joining the social media revolution and creating a larger digital fingerprint.
On Monday, Facebook finally revealed it's long awaited messaging system to the world. And though not quite the "email killer" many prognosticated
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, if you’re not in social media or planning to get into social media this year, you’re going to be left behind.
RockMelt launched in private beta on Sunday and so far the reviews seem to be mixed. Maybe that's because so many of us were burned by the promise of Flock.
Marketing firm Universal McCann has just released the 5th installment of their Wave series. Wave 5 is called ‘The Socialisation of Brands’. The report looks at how people are using the internet and asks the question,
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) broke a story earlier this week that Yahoo will be launching a new service called Y Connect—a Facebook Connect-like feature that will allow users to log into Web sites using their Yahoo ID and easily share content with Yahoo friends.
They say that those that don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Adage.com has released a new presentation that looks at the past seven years in social media marketing and mistakes
Malcolm Gladwell posted an interesting article in The New Yorker last week about the effectiveness of Twitter in affecting real social change.
Facebook Groups have been the forgotten child of the site for too long. While Facebook Pages have seen constant development with new features and adaptions coming out on a regular basis
As the new face of Twitter continues to roll out across the web, we finally received the new interface and we have to admit,
The Internet isn’t your friend. It’s not your buddy or your pal. The Internet is a machine that lays in wait for that one moment for you to do something wrong
We blogged about Promoted Tweets back in April when the new advertising model was first announced, proclaiming Twitter to be on the right track in their quest to monetize the service.