5 things every financial services company should know concerning social media

Few industries are as heavily reregulated as the financial sector in the U.S. There are rules that seem to govern every aspect of business including communication.
Few industries are as heavily reregulated as the financial sector in the U.S. There are rules that seem to govern every aspect of business including communication.
In our previous post entitled, 3 Predictions about the future of group buying, we talked about the future of group buying sites like Groupon and LivingSocial. As you may have read, Groupon turned down a $1.6 billion offer from Google.
Over the course of my career in marketing and advertising, I have worked on both B2C brands and B2B brands. Yet, one thing that has always astonished me is how most agencies treat B2B marketing and advertising.
The official website avoids the fact by assuring that it is not too large. New question and answer site and media darling Quora provides answers ranging from 12,000 to 36,000. Hmm… This infographic does a pretty good job putting some numbers and context behind SXSW 2010 and 2011.
No matter if you're an Apple fanboy (and just for the record I am not) or a PC zealot (I'm not a zealot but prefer PCs), there is no denying that the way Apple markets its products is amazing.
It seems an appropriate question to ask on Valentine's Day. What is love? Some say that what most people think of as love is just a brand created by greeting card companies and perpetuated by Hollywood movies
You may have heard that Taco Bell has been under fire for advertising beef tacos that do not contain enough actual beef in its meat filling to justify calling it beef.
Another year & another Super Bowl (XLV) with all the hype that surrounds it—and I'm just talking about the Super Bowl XLV TV ads, which, it could be argued, has almost eclipsed the game itself.
Up through 2009, studies were showing that trade show attendance was declining — an indication of the bad economy that wrought havoc around the world.
I was checking-in at my favorite diner the other day on Foursquare, and I got to thinking about the features I'd like to see to make my favorite social media tools more useful for me and for my clients.
For all the hype around the Internet and its ubiquitous nature, good old-fashioned TV always reigned supreme when it came to killing time. For years, the average American
Comedy Central released their new logo yesterday. It’s a brave move away from their traditional logo.
We talk to a lot of companies about joining the social media revolution and creating a larger digital fingerprint.
Marketing firm Universal McCann has just released the 5th installment of their Wave series. Wave 5 is called ‘The Socialisation of Brands’. The report looks at how people are using the internet and asks the question,
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The time when ghosts, ghouls and creepy things emerge from their hidden depths and burst through to the mainstream to run amok on your computer screen.
Facebook Groups have been the forgotten child of the site for too long. While Facebook Pages have seen constant development with new features and adaptions coming out on a regular basis
The Internet isn’t your friend. It’s not your buddy or your pal. The Internet is a machine that lays in wait for that one moment for you to do something wrong
We blogged about Promoted Tweets back in April when the new advertising model was first announced, proclaiming Twitter to be on the right track in their quest to monetize the service.
It was your lifelong dream to open a pizza parlor. Finally, after years of toil, you succeed in making Panucci’s Pizza a success. Then you decide a delivery service is a must since everyone else does it.