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Viral videos are becoming more and more popular. Odds are someone sent you a link to one at some point over the year. A viral video is a video clip that gains widespread popularity through emailing, blogs and other shared media. They can range from a television sketch to someones home movie to a planned marketing campaign.
Viral video campaigns can be scary and confusing to companies trying to wrap their heads around them. Corporations want direct messages to potential users. More often than not, a viral campaign is less about the product and more about the unique content. When a viral campagin works, millions of people will see the video and it can last for years. The benefits are viral marketing campaigns can be cheap to produce and distribute; the downside is they can be easily overlooked and forgotten.
Here is a list of the top viral marketing campiagns for 2008.
Absolute Vodka "A Vodka Movie by Zach Galifianakis, Tim and Eric"
Views: 614,567
Diesel "SFW XXX Party Invitation"
Views: 6,497,507
DoTheTest: "TfL's Moonwalking Bear"
Views: 6,449,897
Bud ”Swear Jar”
Views: 3,416,801
Carlsberg ”Best Wives in the World”
Views: 30,567
Song Around The World: Stand By Me
Views: 1,659,950
Guitar Hero World Tour "Bike Hero"
Views: 1,766,225
Stefan Halley is the Digital Project Leader for The Duffy Agency . He love to talk about social media and won't shut up about Twitter .