Five social sites you don't know about, but should

I've recently been thinking of upgrading to a larger business card just so I can include all the different digital addresses I have piling up.
I've recently been thinking of upgrading to a larger business card just so I can include all the different digital addresses I have piling up.
Back in November, we wrote a blog article entitled "7 Ways Smart Phones are the Wallets of the Future." One of the things we mentioned was Twitter creator, Jack Dorsey, and his mobile payment application and portable card reader
The great thing about Twitter (and social media in general) is that it allows you to quickly communicate to millions of potential customers in a frank and engaging manner.
Social media represents an incredible opportunity for business. It allows you to more authentically communicate with your customers and build brand loyalty. But if turned inward
Last week, Twitter announced that it will no longer whitelist applications. And this could mean the death knell for thousands of companies.
It seems an appropriate question to ask on Valentine's Day. What is love? Some say that what most people think of as love is just a brand created by greeting card companies and perpetuated by Hollywood movies
You may have heard that Taco Bell has been under fire for advertising beef tacos that do not contain enough actual beef in its meat filling to justify calling it beef.
Another year & another Super Bowl (XLV) with all the hype that surrounds it—and I'm just talking about the Super Bowl XLV TV ads, which, it could be argued, has almost eclipsed the game itself.
As the turmoil in Egypt continues, I was amazed, once again, to see the influence of Twitter on world politics.
AdWords is a powerful tool, but many brands have become dependent on it at the expense of their organic search strength. And this could be hurting your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.
Last week, the U.S. Army announced the release of their 2011 Army Social Media Handbook. The handbook outlines the proper use of social media by soldiers and commanders, as well as reminding personnel that
Up through 2009, studies were showing that trade show attendance was declining — an indication of the bad economy that wrought havoc around the world.
I was checking-in at my favorite diner the other day on Foursquare, and I got to thinking about the features I'd like to see to make my favorite social media tools more useful for me and for my clients.
You’ve made your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, learn a language, play the guitar or some other goal you’ve setup for yourself for the upcoming year.
Like many things in social media, there needs to be a certain preponderance of buzz for a platform or application to catch on with the social media mainstream.
So many great viral videos occurred in 2010. Picking just one would be impossible as everyone has their favorite.
A new study conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project of 755 adult American Internet users has shown that almost two-thirds of them have paid for content online
Another year is coming to an end, and once again, we've seen amazing strides in marketing and advertising. 2010 was the year Twitter grew up. It was also the year that Groupon showed us a new way to shop.